July 13, 2020

Honoring A Deceased Loved One at Your Wedding 

Weddings are meant to be joyous occasions where family and friends come together to witness the joining of a couple. But what about the couple who has recently lost a mother or father, a loved one, or friend, how should they honor that person while still celebrating the day? Depending upon your specific situation, there are a few things couples can do to remember a deceased loved one without making the happy event turn into a somber memorial. Here are a few ideas that you may want to discuss with your partner and family. 

empty chair at wedding

The Reserved Chair 

For many couples who want to remember a lost parent or close family member, an empty chair with flowers laid upon it may be a good way to remember that the person who has passed is still there in spirit even though he/she may not be able to be there in person to celebrate the day. This can be a quiet, yet reflective way to remember the loved one during the reception and reception. 

A Picture or Heirloom Included in the Attire 

For some brides and grooms, including a deceased loved one means that they want to carry something of the persons as they head down the aisle or stand at the altar. A picture pinned to a bridal bouquet, an embroidered handkerchief, an engraved watch, or even heirloom jewelry passed down for the day of the wedding can be a sentimental way to remember the loved one you are missing on your wedding day. 

candle in open hands

A Burning Candle 

A quiet, yet poignant way to remember the lost loved ones, to have a candle burning during the marriage ceremony. Often couples will light the candle during a moment of reflection at the start of the ceremony and will keep the candle as a keepsake from the day. 

A Song, Picture, or Quote 

Many couples choose to be a little more low key in their honoring of a deceased loved one by having a special dance to the person’s favorite song, or by having a picture displayed at the table seating table, along with other images of family members past and present. 

Still other couples include a favorite passage or quote in their program to remember loved ones who were lost. This can be tastefully done in a line or two, an image, or a song during the reception. 

Remember to check with other people in your family and wedding party to confirm that the special moment or item will not cause too much sadness, but rather allow for a moment to honor those who could not be with you during your big day.