What’s a Unique Way to Celebrate Valentine’s Day? 

February 24, 2021

It may seem a little daunting to plan a romantic evening for your better half this Valentine’s Day with your favorite restaurants and venues closed or at limited capacities. We know first hand that it takes some creativity to keep events like special holidays, anniversaries, and even weddings going in the age of Covid. In the spirit of that creativity, we bring you a list of somewhat unconventional ways to celebrate your love this Valentine’s Day.

roses with I Love you

Go Virtual 

In the last year we have seen our work lives change from being in-office to being almost completely remote. It makes sense that our social lives would make the switch as well. This Valentine’s Day there are many offerings in the virtual world that can make your special evening fun, romantic, and entertaining. Here are a few ideas with links to how to take part. 

  • A virtual museum tour. From the Louvre to the Guggenheim to the Smithsonians, you can take a private tour with your sweetheart all while in the comfort of your home. 
  • A virtual paint night. Check out Yaymakers virtual paint events and spend an evening creating with your love. 
  • Mixology lovers will enjoy a free cocktail class through Liquid Lab
  • Amatuer chefs may enjoy an evening of cooking with some of these favorite sites. Williams-Sonoma virtual events, Sur La Table online cooking classes, and The Chef & The Dish all offer online options.
  • Dress up in your theater-best and stream a Broadway show or musical

scrabble letters love

Get Active 

If you and your beloved have a little cabin fever and are itching to get out and enjoy nature here are a few ways you can do that depending upon the weather. 

  • Curl up near a warm fire pit and listen to your favorite music. 
  • Go for a stroll on the beach or a hike in the woods. 
  • Go snowshoeing or skiing. 
  • Lace up your skates and head to a local pond or skating rink and go skating together. 

Create A “Favorites” Night

If you can’t get out to celebrate, stay in and create an evening of your partner’s favorite things such as his/her favorite foods, drinks, movies, music, and activities. Get creative and plan an indoor picnic, a game night, or all of the things that make your loved one smile. 


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