Planning a Special Bar or Bat Mitzvah

January 29, 2021

“The days are long but the years are short.” Grandparents across the world use this type of phrase to remind sleep deprived parents that every stage of childhood will pass, if not, all too quickly. 

Children grow up in the blink of an eye, even though some stages may feel like they lasted an eternity. That’s why celebrating important milestones are so important as life rushes past us in a blur of events. The Jewish “Coming of Age” celebration, known as a bar or bat mitzvah, is one such milestone that should be celebrated with close family and friends. 

Are you planning a coming of age party for your son or daughter in the spirit of the Jewish tradition? Danversport can help you plan a delicious menu, arrange the decor, and make sure that every detail is planned perfectly. Here are a few ideas to make your party special for the young man or woman. 

cookiesMark the Occasion with Solemn Tradition

Since it is common practice for the mitzvah celebrant to spend months and months in Hebrew School at their synagogue studying the Torah cover-to-cover and learning the Hebrew language specifically needed for the ceremony, it’s only right to celebrate all that hard work.  

Not only is it a tremendous achievement for the child but for the family as well to mark the day by celebrating together. In the past, relatives, family, and friends  travel from far distances to witness and participate in these milestone celebrations as proof of their importance and social standing. In today’s pandemic world, a large event may not be feasible. We can, however, help families safely scale the event so that important family and friends are invited but in a smaller, more intimate setting. 

pink cupcakes

Ideas to Make Your Mitzvah Stand Out

Young men and women have studied hard for their Bar or Bat Mitzvah. They deserve to have some fun with their closest friends and family members. Here are a few ideas to make your celebration a memorable one. 

  • Create opportunities at your celebration for a special keepsake such as a photo booth with printed pictures. Add in funny props to make the smiles glow! Other ideas include graffiti sprayed sweatshirts, tye-dyed sneakers, or hand painted jewelry stations. 
  • Create a theme such as beach party, carnival, casino night, or disco dance to tie the event together with decor, party favors, and music. 
  • Think outside the box when it comes to food and beverages. Make a signature cocktail for the boy or girl of honor and create a menu that will please all the age groups at your party. 
  • Design a night with activities that will engage the younger members of the party and keep them busy either dancing, creating, or singing. Party Slate online offers many ideas for activities for teens depending upon the theme or the celebrant’s interests. 

Your son or daughter deserves a night of celebrating, even if it is smaller or more intimate than you originally planned. It can still be an amazing and memorable milestone. Talk to our event planners about getting your party planned. Mazel Tov! 


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